Kitchen cupboards made with yogurt jars, a floor constructed entirely of old car tires, a divisory wall made with seven hundred bottles of wine colored white and green: welcome to the first Recycled Living Home. The mind behind this idea is from Oliver Heath, the young designer and winner of the Prize Young Designer of the Year in 1998: "It is difficult to recognize that the items I create are made with materials that we on a daily basis, throw away in the garbage: I wanted to demonstrate that the everyday garbage that we discard can be used as ecological furniture and even be modern and of tendency". Can recycled items become the future element of furnishings? Heath confirmed that he utilizes same for many of his clients. Londoners produce more than 3,4 million tons of garbage a year: there is enough to furnish a large quantity of habitations, for those who dare. But do not think that this recycling is a synoymn of saving money: like all things that are trendy even garbage has its price. If a storage case for a hot water bottle in recycled fabric can be acquired for 56 pounds sterling (approximately, 84 Euros), the furnishings-garbage could in the future become only a privilege for a selected few.
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