Friday, February 16, 2007

Ice-cream urge

If you find yourself in New York City and you are honestly craving a great ice-cream treat know that it will cost you a lot, in the literal sense as well. This is because the restuarant Serendipity in the Big Apple boasts the most expensive ice-cream cup in all the world: the Grand Opulence Sundae, and just reading the name says it all, for on the menu the price for this special ice-cream costs $ 1,000.00 dollars and if you ask what could this delight contain that is so very precious, just know that the cream is sitting on top of thin leaves of real gold. The restaurant wants to point out that they serve at one of these at least once a month.

The 1960's fashion on exhibition

At the Victoria & Albert Museum of London on scene are the 1960's with an exhibition that will conclude at the end of the month. Obviously, not all of us can partecipate to the exhibition and leave for the lands of Albione and therefore we have to be satifisfied with the images available on the website, that however, we highly recommend that you visit, because the images displayed are truly beautiful from an aesthetics point of view and philogically exhaustive, with various galleries to see, that are divided by theme.A real and true trip to into the past, but rich with inspirations and ideas for the future!

The experimental fashion design of Sandra Backlund

The starting point is always the human body. I am fascinated with the various ways in which one can highlight, distort and transform the natural silhouette of the body using clothing items and accessories. I fabricate my articles of clothing with small pieces made by hand, that are united with others in methods that are always different, to discover the form I wish to have. My approach to fashion is more that of a sculptor than a tailor. In my opinion, clothes are the form of art that is most democratic, something which everything has, consciously or not. These are the words of Sandra Backlund, a Swedish fashion designer. Go check out her collection, rigourously monochromatic and hand fabricated: dismanteled, wild and contorted wool dresses. They seem to have come straight out a science fiction movie...

Biojewellery: a ring made with your companion's cells!

Have you ever heard of biojewellery? Me niether. From what I understood by visiting the website Biojewellery, it is the taking of human bone cells (but wisdom teeth are also fine...), cultivate them (do not ask me how) and make a ring. An idea that is rather original, and was carried out by two design researchers of the Royal College of Art in London and a genetic engineer of King's College, always in London. Once a couple was found to be available to be human guinea pigs, the three extracted the cells and made rings in which were then exchanged between the donors: romantic, but also very frightening. Notice the motto engraved inside the ring. Ab intra in other words, from the inside

Wedge invasion

To fully understand in the world of footwear, what will be fashionable, and absolutely trendy this Spring\Summer 2007, is very arduos.
Looking at the fashion shows all kinds of proposals are seen:high-heels / square heels, decoltè, vertiginous heels / medium heel, flatheel sandals (that women love a lot and men hate even more... Heck, it is not they that wear these instruments of torture...) student-like shoes with rounded point, straps at the calf / barefoot, covered toes / uncovered toes, even Franciscan sandals to match in every circumstance... But the MUST, the sceptre of the QUEEN Sping\Summer 2007 goes to, without a shadow of a doubt to the WEDGED HEELS or PLATEAU whatever, ... there is no stylist that does not propose same, there is no dress in which it cannot be matched... there is one for every kind of taste. There is also to add that the various stylists and production businesses have truly undertaken serious research in the use of the materials for the creation of the wedge heels, made with the most different and fantastic of materials: wood, cork, metal, leather, interwoven rope, cloth, croccodile, or colored python. In conclusion, there is something for all tastes, and no women can permit herself to feel fashionable if she does not wear a pair of these wedged heels that remind of us of those shoes worn by our mothers; those same ones that conquered our fathers

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Lock: a symbol of love

Born is a a curious phenomeon in ways of tradition, a phenomenon that is all Italian... in fact, Roman. On top of the Ponte Milvio Bridge in Rome (left picture), one of the most romantic of the capital, a little less than a year ago a new fashion mode for sweethearts was to tie onto a large chain attached to a pole, a lock with their initials written on top. The usual procedure to follow is that the two sweethearts hook their lock to then throw the only key in the Tevere River, in the gesture of eternal love, indissoluble...This strange phenomenon must have influenced in a reflex manner even the fashion system or is it a curious coincidence, but more and more often, one can see, in the proposals in the categories of "accessories" of the many prestigious and non designer fashion labels locks and keys as a recurring theme... Dior proposes the lock in the shape of heart with some of his handbags, on several pieces of jewellry and in the cosmetic line with a bicolored gloss. In the new purse, the "Gaucho bag" already a must for women, very sought-after with a bicolor profile, we find a large and characteristic pendant key. Even the historical brandname CHLOE' highlights the lock as a symbol of its immediate recoginition of the marvelous and much desired PADDINGTON BAG.

Optical Black and White

The fantastic optical illusions produce at first glance a visive chaos of abstract elements in tones of black and white with strongly highlighted lines, but at the same time hold one in fascination. It must be for this reason that contemporary stylists repropose on a regular series the print graphics based on dresses and accessories. Malo brings to the catwalk purses and minidresses in the pursuit of black & white.

Brown and black...

In Italy there is a saying: "Marrone e nero: cafone vero" (n.d.r.: "brown and black: a true boor") and for a while I also ended up believing same. The same saying was also applied to the matching of blue and black (that, in Italian, always rhymes). With the passing of the years, however, I have noticed that there were certain matching of outfits that are at "risk" that are, however, not that bad. Overall, for the above citings. There are browns and browns and there are blues and blues. This is a confirmation borne from the fact that black looks good on anything (a rhyme should be created to state this God honest truth). Once and a while it is worth a try to go for chromatic experimentation, tending to match colors that once one never dreamed of matching before. Not at even at Halloween or Carneval.For example, red and purple: I like it, it is diabolic, I know. Even Bill Blass in a fashion show AI 07 of New York made his models show off unedited matches but it was surely of grand scenic effect. I think I can mix and match a bit, no?

Heels: what fascination!

Since the times of the Marquess De Sade the shoe with heels have wielded a mysterious charm and perversion over the general interest. Indifferently, over women and men. No other accessory can join love and suffering like a 11 centimeter stiletto or 10 centimerter wedge-heeled shoes. The foot suffers, but it exalts the leg, and the calf seems more shapely and firm. The entire figure appears more exalted, reaching towards a starry night sky... Poetry of a heel. And what can one say about one's gait or way of walking? Walking with heels is an art, difficult to learn and even dangerous. Who has not ever missed a step or procured a twisted ankle? How about trying to keep a serene and straight face against terrible incidents made in front of persons (because there is always someone that is looking at you when your heel gets caught in a manhole or the heel breaks at the same exact instant when you reach a sidewalk...). But how about the effect it gives? Look at me, look at me: look at how I am good, and sexy and .....woman! And yes, because they - the men - can be really good in a lot of things, but walking on heels, no!

Rain Boots: and it's a fashion tendency!

When one speaks about style, as always the name of Kate Moss comes up. Even a pair of rain boots become fashion footwear of the super top model who name recalls easy scandal, also merit of those perfect legs that are ideal for the catwalks, that amongst rainfall and mud, still come out beautiful as ever! But this time around, we are not dealing with the same old anti-rain boots or galoshes, but Hunter, a historical Scottish designer label, which is the leader in the field of footwear that are adaptable against all of Nature's elements. In colored rubber, they reach the knees, we do not assure a trendy effect wherever you go, overall if your last name is not Moss, but in compensation, you can proudly boast dry feet even after a flood.

Shoe Museum? Virtual!

All the shoe-addicted persons out there, may I please have your attention: this piece of news is of interest to you! Opening is the first virtual shoe museum. Online and accessible to everyone and entirely dedicated to the fashion fetish par excellence. Subdivided by color, material, designer, typology and style. They are not only photographs of shoes, but also drawings, paintings and jewels inspired by shoes. The research is almost unlimited. It is a shame however, being that it is still under construction, is not abundant with proposals (a prominent absentee, for now, is her majesty Manolo) but it is steadily on the rise. In the meantime however, a virtual tour is in order so one can admire the shoes that have made fashion news and of course some will also amaze one to even recognize or define a shoe, but, in some strange way, enter into the world of footwear. A bit experimental, perhaps. Have I roused your curiousity?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Jewels and bijoux on the Catwalk

In the world of fashion, jewels made their entrance at the moment which one started to bare arms and shoulders. In the 1900's and 1920's, the garçonne mode conquered Europe, women donned their hair short with ephebic forms, the decolletè was bare of jewels but the arms and shoulders were embellished with jewels that were of special creations of jewelers and goldsmiths. Even in the more equilbrated fashion mode of the 1930's, jewels always took first place, then were substituted with long gloves. On the Milan catwalks one has seen more or less everything. Royal ornaments of antique nature, objects that recall imperial coins, with the characteristic "basket" earrings and trafery, or with a cross in gold laminate with clusters of small balls on the arms of the models. Absolutely present is the collier de chien: a very adherent necklace, superb if made with many strings of set rigid and identical-sized pearls. Attention: this piece of jewelery is particularly indicated for those who have a swan-like neck, like the femme fatales of the 1900's and 1910's. And again thin and splendid chokers, necklaces used with crosses, hearts and sparkling stars, armbands and drop earrings. In the gallery one can view all the proposals directly from the fashion catwalks

The new Terracotta of Guerlain

One knows, the specialist of the tanning colouring earths is Guerlain! The new Collection Terracotta of Guerlain presents important news: the tanning colouring earth (tanning powder). With Terracotta Tan Booster one can be tanned all year long. The spray, in fact permits an immediate and handy application to render the face splendid and brilliant. The new product will be available even in the version for men. It will be on sale from mid-March.

Love box Yves Saint Laurent

If you are one for the finer things in life, and for St. Valentine's you do not wish to partecipate to pseudo romantic banquets in crowded locales filled with couples, then celebrate with a touch of class: a romantic dinner at home, a tète a tète with the menu of, perhaps, caviar and champagne. And if you really want to outdo yourself, the French-Swiss company Caviar House & Prunier can propose designer sturgeon eggs, or rather, it is the packaging that carries the signature of the famous designer.The package is called Love (and what else could it called?) and it was supervised by Yves Saint Laurent for a limited edition at the price of 373 Euros and can be acquired in all the single label stores of Caviar House & Prunier.

Long waist life

The long waist has from several seasons been threating to come back with arrogance to impose itself over the auspicious disastrous 1990's. Notwithstanding that the fashion stylists wanted to turn a deaf ear to same and without a doubt, preferred the more feminine short waist, has now, finally come to head. The long waist has come back. Of course, the lines have been seen and re-seen, however, the effect produces a certain shock among those that have destined same in the dated style album of bad memories
Prada catwalk

Letters of love on paper? No, on the skin!

Verba volant, scripta manent the reminescent of the hours of Latin passed behind the school desks reminds us that putting down words in black on white is always wise. It seems this is also true with regard to sentiments. But if you believe that a simple letter is not sufficient, this kit is just what you may be looking for. Did you ever think of writing sweet thoughts of love directly on the skin of your loved one? All you need is a little crystal bottle containing liquid chocolate with the essence of jasmine, an ostrich feather with silicon point and an ambience filled with an aphrodisiac aura. Ah, I was forgetting, naturally your lover has to be willing to be your painting canvas for the evening. The kit also contains a mask in black satin, in which we hope that it is not you who will be utilizing same. Not for anything, but at least avoid the effect: blind painter! And now, let your fantasies roar!

Mariah Carey is the new face for Pinko

The international pop star Mariah Carey is the new face for publicity campaign of Pinko, carried out by the famous photographer Michelangelo di Battista and the Art Director Giovanni Bianco. Mariah Carey, has stated that: "I am very flattered that I was asked to be the new face for Pinko. Initially, I discovered this fantastic fashion maison when I was working in Italy, in the place in which I prefer best in all the world, the Isle of Capri, while I was recording my lateste CD - "The Emancipation of Mimi". I immediately became a devoted fan of the brand, and within the store I practically brought everything. So, as you can imagine, when they asked me to do the Pinko campaign I was really excited. The clothing items are so elegant and fun, and I cannot wait to begin this new adventure together". Mariah Carey is another addition to the extraordinary list of faces used in Pinko campaigns, along with the top models Elle Macpherson, Eva Herzigova and Naomi Campbell.

Glovers, gloves for Lovers

If you love walking hand in hand, here is the right gift for you. The gloves for lovers made by Glovers by Radium Design are for those who do not want to renounce wanting to walk tightly holding hands when the cold weather hits. A glove for the right hand and one for the left hand in the shape of a heart, and the romantic stroll is assured!


On the catwalk they have been seen extensively and now are just starting to show up in the stores. It is still to be seen whether their appearance will be a success or not among the fashion girls but one thing is certain, is that they will govern the fashion tendencies of the season. We are talking about plexiglass shoes. More specifically, it is the heels that are transparent. At times they can be important and imposing. They are positively excessive, and in addition, transparent, protagonists of style. Overall, their main statement seems to be: Look at me! From Donna Karan to Anna Molinari, from Dolce&Gabbana to Lanvin and Marc Jacobs, along with Pucci and Victor&Rolf. Personally, not my favorite!

Never more lonely

O.K. we are all in accordance that St. Valentine's and all its fascinating atmosphere in this particular period of the year, be it for sweethearts does arouse a pleasant bustle of emotions, and for singles overall, for the decisions taken on behalf of others, can represent a tragedy seasoned with solitude and melancholy. To make head with these moments of psychological-physical depression, in the male magazine Chè, it has come up with the idea to give the gift of a bedsheet that reproduces the figure of a fascinating woman. In this manner, your bed will not be too big for yourself and you can say that you spent the night in sweet company.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tea Parties: The new passion of the stars

The new tendency in way of nutrition? The diet is based on tea: it seems that whoever drinks same, besides inducing a weight-loss effect (also calms the sense hunger and this is because is it advised to drink the tea before meals), also acts as an antio-oxidizer, an universal remedy against aging. The teas that are most recommended is green tea and black tea. Celebrities know their teas very well indeed...The stars of Hollywood go crazy for teas salons and it not unusual to meet Nicole Kidman, Renee Zellweger and Jodie Foster at Elisir, the famous tea salon, where every kind of tisanes are served, and is found on the prestigious Melrose Avenue. In England, the homeland of teatime at 5:00 p.m., Sadie Frost, ex-wife of Jude Law, is committed to the tea parties of the famous Tea Palace of Notting Hill in London.

Grandma's remedies

Here are few suggestions taken from the "Memories of Grandmother" BEAUTY: Before shaving, it is advisable to pass the shaver on the soap of Marseilles: the skin remains more soft and helps avoid skin irritations.To obtain a natural make-up look the suggestion is to mix the foundationcream on the palm of the hand with several drops of nonalcoholic tonic,before applying on the face.To always have white and shiny teeth rub with a toothbrush on which you havepreviously put some breadcrumbs. To acquire vigor to the hair and to make ahairstyle more long-lasting instead of applying after the shampoo the usualhair conditioner, apply rennet apple juice!

Red ever

From Gucci to the classic Valentino.Almost all stylists, for the next beautiful springtime, have been converted to use the color red. From coats to evening dresses. Shoes and purses. Lipstick, Rossetto, headbands and flounces. Jlo is stunning in her balloon mini dress. Tori Spelling opts the match with diamonds.

Lolita Look

She is the symbolic figure of tart sensuality, but malicious. Nabokov created her, Kubrick made a movie about her, she inspires stylists, and they produce with her image girlish minidresses, ironic and glittering bijoux like lollipops and accessories the color of a very red candy-apple. Hearts, polka-dots, flounces, rouches and extremely reduced lengths for a look that is truly short of innocence

In memory of Gianni Versace

Soon it will be the tenth anniversay of the tragic loss of Gianni Versace and a permanent commerative plaque, on Rodeo Drive, will be a reminder of the talent of this great stylist. The decision was taken by the Rodeo Drive Committee and the city of Beverly Hills, that have also attributed the "Rodeo Drive Walk of Style Award" for her talents, to his sister, Donatella, who is currently the creative director of the group whose logo is a Medusa (Gorgon). The award was given to her on February 7th

Monday, February 12, 2007

LifeGate Jeans

Fabricated in Italy, with high-quality biological cotton , LifeGate jeans brings with it a message of eco-sensibility. The denim is produced with pure cotton certified from the cultivations that are free of pesticides and chemical products, therefore in harmony with man and the environment. For the tints, they use pure indigo. Every year, LifeGuard devolves 5% of its profits to a project that publicizes environmental awareness. The "jeans of eco-culture" is also affordable, from 89 to 99 Euros. One can acquire same on-line. The sales points, are in fact, only stores that harbor a display only the samples and do not have a warehouse, nor unsold merchandise at the end of the season, this allows the lower sales cost of almost half of the price it should be sold to the client. The consumer, in addition, can always find the merchandise in all sizes and all cuts and overall, in all lengths. LifeGate ecoJeans arrives at your home, with original hemlines, within forty-eight from the purchase and without postal charges or costs (obviously, only for Italy). With these jeans, o arrived home, say goodbye to shortening or lengthening hems!

Purse, cult accessory of the year

Purses and luggage are imposed as one of the most dynamic segments of the luxury market with an incrementation of + 7,2% between 2001 and 2007. The so-called purse-mania is the last of the commercial syndromes that have invaded France, Great Britain and the U.S.A. and the craze has caused a dependance and has made the need to possess purses an absolute necessity. A luxurious purse that costs on average ten times as much a perfume and notwithstanding the most elevated prices, designer label purses continue to urge female consumers to buy and possess same


It is nearly years that vintage has reigned in the wardrobe of everyone, divas and non, but Resurrection is the reign of the clothing items that have made fashion history in the last century. In 2000 Resurrection had opened its third store in Los Angeles in the exclusive shopping district of Melrose Avenue and soon became the meeting place of many stars, for example, Molly Simms and Paris Hilton. The psychedelic Pucci dresses in jersey or silk, the Halston evening dresses, the Gucci handbags and the Rudi Gernreich cocktail outfits are only a few of the treasures that one can discover inside the boutique. All the "rarities" that are most in demand from the owners Katy Rodriguez and Mark Haddawy for the most important photo shoots, Hollywood premiere and also for everyday wear.

Ego Love Edition

Here is an idea for St. Valentine's Day, that ties together high technology and sought-after design. It is the Ego love edition, dedicated to all sweethearts. I have spoken here, about the Ego Lifestyle the very fashion line of Tulip, that proposes a notebook with a sophisticated design with ironic and colorful tones, for demanding clients. A notebook that with its interchangeable covers that can be changed according to one's taste and mood, renders this object very personable. The limited edition created for the occasion of the day of all sweethearts, is absolutely in a love & fun style, with a huge red heart in the middle of the leather cover, the trimmings are hand-crafted, with a charm in the shape of a heart and it too can be rigourously made personal with a message of love, for a declaration that is truly original and overall technological! Being that it is a limited and exclusive edition the price is very high: 4,950.00 Euros. But the company wanted to exaggerate and is intended for those who really want to make a striking figure with one's sweetheart (overall, if one's budget can permit same!) Tulip proposes its laptop in a limited number edition Ego Diamond Otazu; designed by the stylist Rodrigo Otazu, and it is composed of a portable computer with trimmings in 18k gold and Top Wesselton V.S 4,7 carat diamonds set in the case covered in black leather.

The flight of love for sex at high altitudes

The Mile High Club, the "club" for those who had sex on an airplane, will no longer be reserved to rich owners of private jets. A British businessman, in fact, has launched a service that permits couples to rent an airplane with room for six persons and a pilot and to enjoy ninety minutes of tender loving at high altitudes. To become part of the high style Mile High Club it will cost lovers 250 English pounds for thirty minutes, 450 English pounds for an hour and 750 English punds for ninety minutes of flight. It is crazy!


Out of the ordianary this collaboration between the designer brand labels Fendi and Bape. Luxury and urban culture unite, difficult to imagine the fusion of two cultures that are so entirely different.In the extended part of this post, there is an example of the result. What do you think?