Just like in the 1950's, the eyes are drawn attention upon, contoured with a very thick line made with an eyeliner. For the eyeshadows one can pick from a large gamma of natural tones (from beige to brown) or, on the contrary, one can opt for strong chromatic contrasts. Never forget the mascara, which gives intensity to one's look. It has to be generously applied, creating an eyelash whiff effect (one can opt even for the application of fake eyelashes).
The foundation cream allows you to flaunt warm and natural tones (like sand and beige).
Thanks to the most innovative textures, that consent for a perfect adhesion of the product, the foundation cream coats the skin, but with a thickness that results so thin that it is almost imperceptible. The result? A luminous face but with a velvet effect, countermarked by a delicate game of lights and shadows. The blusher comes back, and defines the cheekbones almost like a continuation of the makeup of the eyes. And for a perfect end reult, a touch of face powder, enriched with micropearls, which complements the make up and gives the complexion a luminous glow.