The young daughter of Sting and Trudie Styler has partecipated exclusively to the fashion show yesterday for Frankie Morello. In ordinary day life, however, she is not a model: she studies acting and visual arts in New York
Corrective makeup for the lipsTo enlarge or reduce the form of one's lips, the operation has to be perfect, without asymetric blunders, nor smudges, smears or blurs should poke their ugly head.
The results may produce a certain physicological effect, and in order to contribute to improve the aesthetics of one's face and the sensation of security when facing other persons.
Not always does this result easy, but here you will find a few tips that one has to keep in mind to avoid, at the end of the operation, that the mere touch of the lipstick does not work as a double bladed weapon, for instead of embellishing one's face, it can also render it vulgar.
You can make the lips seem more voluminous by making them up with brilliant colors.
If the largeness of the lips is fine, all you need to do is delineate the borders using a pencil with a lighter tone than the lipstick. To enlarge, one has to design a contour lines that are to be larger and fill in the rest of the lips with a vivacious tone of lipstick.
If the lips are flat then contour the borders with a clear tone (white o rose) lip pencil and fill in the internal part with a vivacious lipstick color, this trick will certainly highlight the lips and make them seem to stand out more.
To correct a pronunced lip. If you want your lips to appear more small and thin one has to choose delicate tones and that are less brilliant.
In other words, the lips that need to be a bit more dull should avoid a contour that is darker than the color of the lipstick, making that it does not come out the opposite effect from what you wanted. The technique to make the lips more small is to extend a base that covers the lips, delineate with the lip pencil of the same tone of the lipstick a contour that is more narrow than one's lips, then conclude with the application with the chosen lipstick, preferably with a less brilliant tone.A good lashingLook down into a mirror when applying mascara so you can place the wand right at the base of your lashes without poking yourself in the eye. Pick a mascara that complements your coloring and lash lenght. Black works on everyone, but redhead and very fair-skinned may fare batter with brown. Heat up an eyelash curler with a blowdryer, the, carefully, crimp your lashes twicw: once in the middle, once near the tips. Heat works on all you hair! Pick up a flare, a tiny clump of false lashes, with a pair of tweezers, dip it in lash glue, and place it at the top outer corner of one eye. Repeat on the other eye. Add volume by dipping a shadow brus in loose translucent powder, closin one eye at a time, and dusting the tops of your lashes. Mascara applied over powder will last longer.Mascara success will benefit from a clean start. Before applying wipe the wand on a tissue to remove excess product and prevent clumping, then coat just the upper lashes. Start at the the root and wiggle the brus to your ends.Eye brows
Eyebrows are making a comeback, becoming a trend and are a focal point of female seduction. It is true because a right cut and a knowledgeable make up are capable of not only highlighting one's glance, but to frame one's face, lift up one's features and to allow your glances to have a a major expressiveness. There exists eyebrow designers, that go around with a ruler, set square, tweezers and comb. For a "do it yourself" version, let us see all the advice needed to avoid errors.
First of all, let us discredit a false credence: usually one thinks that a created thin design is more glamorous and sensual, however the Greta Garbo design has definitely become démodé, unless, one has it as a natural form!
* Generally, in fact, the more "full" oval is one's contour, the more the eyebrows have to be thick and bushy, because a too thin line makes a face more large. Be careful when you see a few wrinkles: a cut which is too slender is to be puts them more in evidence.
* Another form that is one of the more sought for is: seagull wings, Sofia Loren style, but it does not look good on everyone, on the contrary, you may risk to render your expression too austere.
* The experts say that the thickness has to be major in the internal part, then become more reduced towards the external part, furthermore, the little hairs that deborder visibly and those that grow on the fixed superior eyelids or are too external, have to be eliminated without hesitation because they tend to weigh down one's look. For the rest, the eyebrow line has to be left as natural as possible, to give the idea of a "ruffled" cut.* The extra eyebrow hairs have to be eliminated with the correct tweezers: for the operation to be without pain, pull them following the direction in which they grow. * Once terminated the operation, to alleviate eventual reddening, put a thick layer of hydrating cream and leave on for an hour. * To make your eyebrows appear more thick and to fill out eventual spaces, use a specific eyebrow pencil: it is harder than an eyeliner, and well-sharpened and it will be absolutely useful to design many dashes similar to the missing eyebrow hair. Attention however to pick the pencil the same color as your natural eyebrows. In alternative, there are eyebrow powders, that consent for a perfect artist make-up. * To shade off the design, use the eyebrow pencil, to fix, use comb, that maintains them upwards, but for a professional look, there are appropriate setting lotion for eyebrows as well.PedicureUnlike a good manicure, a great pedicure is not about the polish and the shape of the nails. And no matter how much fruit-flavored lotion and holistic potion you use, elbow grease is the key. The perfect pedicure should take at least an hour and the pedicurist should be tender but not reticent. Should scrape off the calluses, scrub away dead skin, inspect your toes and sole, massage your feet and legs, and fix the cuticles twice, just to get it right!
The lipstick that really sticksPutting on lipstick was never realky your strong point. However you dream a perfectly designed mouth, sensual and perfect, perhaps from morning to night. You are however plagued with the classic syndrome of permanent smeared lipstick. But here good news from the part of the cosmetic producers, new advanced and perfect for any girl who is always on the edge of a nervous breakdown! A new era is beginning in the history of indeleble lipstick waterproof and kiss proof. You can succeed without fatigue and and assure yourself Hollywood lips, thanks to the invention of Paula Dorf, an intraprendent lady that has created a new lipstick that sticks like tape! This new revolutionary invention is called Air Kiss and is simple to use. All you need to do is pose it on your lips, hoed tightly and that's it! Air Kiss is hypoallegenic and is perfect for even the most sluppy of makeup artist. To verify if Air kiss is really kiss proof, all you have to do is try it, getting straight into action
Many beauty tips from savvy jetsetters to avoid that worn-out traveler’s look
1. To avoid bloodshot eyes, do not wear mascara on the plane. Apply this an hour before landing. If you don’t care for mascara, apply baby oil to your lashes and curl. This will instantly open up your eyes. Lubricate your eyes every four hours with Bausch and Lomb All Clear Eye Drops.
2. For fresh and clean hair, bring dry shampoo. Klorane and Sephora’s dry cleaning shampoo are two of the best in the market. It will instantly absorb the oil and make your hair smell fresh. No water needed. On the other hand, if you have very dry hair, use a hair serum to prevent frizz. Kerastase Nutritive Oleo-Relax is a great product for this purpose. It keeps dry, frizzy hair tamed. If you want your hair to stay curly, put your hair up in a bun with a scrunchie. If you want the re-bonded look wear a hairnet.
3. For moisturized lips, use Blistex medicated lip ointment. It coats the lips really well and relieves pain instantly. Instead of lipstick, apply lip gloss to avoid that chapped look.
4. For healthy looking skin, moisturize with Crème De La Mer, Dermalogica or Prescriptives Flight Crème frequently to avoid that pasty looking complexion. Do not apply powder blush or foundation, as these will make your face look ashen. Instead use a bronzer and crème blush to get that natural-looking glow.5. For that freshly showered feeling, use medical body wipes, which were especially designed for patients who are unable to bathe. These are extra strong and will instantly rejuvenate you. Avoid using heavy perfume on the plane. Instead use baby cologne and apply the stronger fragrance when you disembark.
6. Add yoghurt to your diet to strengthen your digestive system. This minimizes the chances of getting an upset stomach—a nightmare when you’re traveling!
7. Avoid using airline pillows. This increases your chances of catching a cold. For good measure, take Airborne, which is a dietary supplement especially designed for use in airplanes and other crowded environments. It contains 17 herbs and nutrients to help prevent a cold and nausea to boot.
8. Don’t wear nail polish since this chips easily when traveling, and chipped nail polish looks unsightly. Instead get a buff manicure to get those nails to shine. If you really want colored nails, use Avon nail polish stickers.
9. Bring Peppermint and Rosemary oil to rub it in your temples. This will instantly perk you up.
10. Wear knits or fabrics that don’t wrinkle easily. Wear dark colors. Clothes look crisper in darker shades. Always bring an extra change of clothes with you in case you get stranded or lose your luggage.
Prescriptives Flight cream
Foundation: choose the right oneSpotty or splotchy skin? Try an easy-to-blend sheer liquid formula, which will minimize your pigment problem without making you look as if you applied makeup with a trowel.
Look for a product that offers a moisturizing formula. This will provide a jolt of radiance and a smoother look. Also good: anything that plumps or illuminates.
Tried a lot of shades but none are right? Go for a smart foundation that adjusts on your skin for a near-perfect match. Also look for brands with a wide range of hues.
Oil-free liquid formulas with salicylic acid treat pimples without clogging pores. But also consider powder products, which offer great coverage and shine control.
Consider a lightweight liquid or hydrating cream with age defying peptides or vitamins. Either will give you treatment benefits and just enough coverage.
Dare with fake eyelashesDuring her concerts Madonna has fake eyelashes prepared for her during her make-up sessions. One may find from the natural kind to the most extravagant, eyelashes bewitch glances and allow to obtain all kinds of effects. When the festivities are in arrival, dare with fake eyelashes!
PerfumeOne knows: the principal characteristics required for a perfume is that it expresses and completes the personality of the person who wears it. The most important thing is to therefore, avoid at any cost, the perfume that has a divine scent on a best friend: first of all, because of the difference of the skin factor PH, which could result completely different among persons. Secondly, one can never feel it "entirely ours". The perfume to choose has to then become part of us. It has to communicate a profound and acute pleasure that we really enjoy being ourselves. How to proceed if up to now we have only worn indifferently and without much though various types of perfumes that have been given to us as gifts from friends or family? If we have decided to give ourselves the gift of perfume that will be totally ours alone, there are several rules to follow. It is wise to always try perfumes no more than three at a time, because alfterwards, our olfactory is not capable to sense new fragrances. The perfume needs to be sprayed on the wrist, and has to evaporize without rubbing the skin, and then sniffed a few centimeters away from the skin. Then, take things one thing at a time. Let us not get tempted by the fragrance that is the latest fashion craze, or is worn by our best friend, who is beautiful and is constantly wooed. When your turn arrives, one should not have a shadow of a doubt in picking the right perfume. O.K., this is the one! We are now satisfied and will probably continue to sniff the perfume bottle for a while, waiting for the moment to put it on. But to wear it to its perfection? First of all, never exaggerate with the quantity. The effect "bathed in perfume" is not pleasant for anyone and could give a headache to your boy. Pay attention to the situation in which you find yourself: that is, during a hospital visit, a funeral or an hour of babysitting, it is better to wear very little perfume or none at all. Avoid wearing it during summertime, while exposed to the sun, because it may form skin flaws and\orblemishes; however, there are existing versions that are without alcohol in almost all the fragrances, and in this way, you can wear your favorite perfume, even on the beach. Where do you spray it? Preferably, not on one's clothing, which may remain stained. The parts of the body ideal for perfume is the neck, wrists, cleavage and temples, and that is where the blood pulses more strongly, facilitating in this way its evaporation. For a truly sensational effect, spray a cloud of perfume in the air and then pass through it. It is a method to render your perfume more persistent, and; also utilize a matching body cream: with this trick, the fragrance will be given off gradually all during the day, by means of body heat. The error to absolutely avoid is not to mix perfumes. Your perfume is perfect for you the way it is, so avoid altering your fragrance, overlapping it with another fragrance, but also do not use body creams whose aromas are too intense
Don't be tempted by unflattering swimwear trendsFeatureFollowing swimwear trends regardless of your body shape can lead to some major fashion mistakes that zap your confidence. Like clothing and lingerie, it is vital that you dress for your shape.Whatever your shape, there are swimwear styles that can make the most of your best bits and minimise your bad bits. Stick to these guidelines and follow fashion with colours and accessories.Hourglass: Kelly Brook is a typical hourglass shape. Brook was recently seen wearing a bold retro print, boxer-style brief teemed with a bikini top with good support. If you have an hourglass figure, which is becoming increasingly unusual, make the most of your curves. Being top and bottom heavy means that bold prints can look great and accentuate your figure. Big bust: Caprice, designer of her own lingerie and swimwear, knows how to flatter her cleavage. For Caprice, halternecks are a good choice as long as they cover the sides of the breasts. While soft triangle tops are usually a no no, an underwired triangle bikini can provide enough support. If you take a DD+ cup size, look for specialist brands.Pear shape: Okay, you are not blessed with an easy body shape for the beach but you can create a more balanced look. For you, separates are key. If you choose a plain brief with a patterned bikini top, you will help draw the eye upwards away from your bottom. Concentrate on creating your bust as the focal point.Charlotte Church is a typical pear shape and she recently proved that you can look great in flattering boy shorts, despite what many people may think. Stick to boy shorts in a dark solid colour and wear with a bolder patterned top. Larger briefs can provide any extra coverage too. Steer clear of high leg briefs with minimal side coverage if your hips aren’t in good shape. Small bust: Bikini choices should be all about increasing your confidence on the beach. If you live in padded bras under your clothes, stick to the same principle with your bikini tops and choose padded styles that add volume and cleavage. You may not think soft triangle tops would work well but they will, and you can buy ones with slight padding for an extra boost. Choose bold horizontal stripes or large prints . Kate Moss recently sported a mismatched bikini, which can be a good trick if you want to provide a little more emphasis to your bust. Big tummy: If you want to avoid having to spend your entire holiday holding your stomach in, avoid hipsters and go for high-waisted bikini briefs. If you have stretchmarks and a bit of a wobbly belly, tankinis offer more coverage than bikinis, but look best if the top and bottom halves meet. For more control and shape, spend a bit more money by investing in a good control one-piece. The Miraclesuit (£100) is a strapless one-piece that flattens the stomach
Capri Perfumes
Kenzoki-Very sensual white oil...WOW!
Planters best lifiting mask ever!
Cle de Peau:Best Intensive treatment mask ever!
The beauty secrets of celebritiesSTAR SKIN
Notwithstanding the hours of make-up that the prima donnas of Hollywood undergo before appearing at a special occasion, and in order to have perfect skin, even if natural, remains one of their primary objectives of beauty. Madonna whenever possible avoids face powders and foundation creams because they highlight wrinkles and signs of expression, only limiting herself to a simple corrector. Scarlett Johansson and Teri Hatcher mix an illuminating and hydrating cream to their foundation cream to obtain a radiant and rosy complexion. If you find an untimely pimple the night before a very important day, try the method used by Jennifer Love Hewitt, before going to sleep, apply on it a small quantity of toothpaste. Is this a skin-peeling solution that is both economic and mild on the skin? The singer Pink washes her face everyday with soap and water mixed with a handful of sugar. A natural mosturizer? Cindy Crawford teaches all you need to do is wash your face many times a day with a mix of water and milk.
STAR HAIRSTYLE Ornella Muti once a week washes her hair with vinegar and the last rinse is always carried out with icy water.
STAR HANDSJulia Roberts prefers a olive oil compress.
STAR TEETH Catherine Zeta-Jones to have her teeth always ultra-white, uses strawberries to wash her teeth (don't those tiny little seeds bother you?).
STAR BODY For Sharon Stone, platitudinously, it is of vital importance to drink from six to eight glasses of water per day (and if only this were enough...); Liz Hurley demonstrates a larger spirit of sacrifice by subjecting herself to icy showers, to tone up the skin. Stakhanovite, Britney Spears to undertake (undertook, it seems), 300 sit-ups a day, to show her famous once-upon-a-time tummy. Jennifer Aniston has instead, applied herself and has lost 15 kilograms with the "The Zone Diet" (40% of carbohydrates, 30 % proteins and 30 % of lipids), and was then adopted by many other protagonists of Friends. Paris Hilton states that she does not follow any kind of diet (she feels beautiful the way she is), eats everything. including fried food and sweets, and "then I dance all through the night and therefore, I eliminate the calories". If she says so...
What color are you?
The colors that we choose to wear reveals our personality. And, viceversa, it is also re-known that the capacity of colors also affect our moods.
Yellow. In its most vivacious tones it is a must have for the next season. Looking beyond the tendencies, to wear this color on a daily basis indicates a strong and extroverse personality.
The effects: it favors the concentration and can be worn in occasions where it is necessary to stimulate rationality.
Red. A dress or even an accessory in this color usually does not pass unobserved. Who dresses red, even unconsciously or not, it gives the message that you want to be noticed, or want to appear passionate and sensual. A distinct preference for red can sometimes indicate an aggressive temperament.
The effects: it increases energy and sexual charge: do give wide berth then to red-colored intimate wear.
Orange. This summer partecipate as protagonist in the tendency towards bright colors in the Spring\Summer 2007 collection. Customarily utilized only for accessories or for a touch of color in an ensemble, in the new season we can see it in the total look version. A hot and vivid color, its scent is that of the summertime and it favors happiness and light-heartedness.
The effects: it stimulates good humor and altruism, and it is perfect for use in the social life or in situations where it is necessary to be brilliant, however, it is needed to be used with caution in formal occasions.
Green. There are many significances of the color green, it is the color of nature and equilibrium, of meditation and harmony. Besides, the color green also transmits sincerity, helps believing in one's self and aids to be more adaptable to changes.
The effects: it relaxes and refreshes. It induces reflection and can help those who wear this color when one has to take difficult decisions.
Black The color black is notoriously reknown as being the color that makes one appear slimmer; a sort of life jacket for those who have some extra pounds to hide, or for all those occasions that fall in the range between formal and elegant. It is also however, in the Western countries' culture, the color of darkness, grief and mystery. To dress in the color black can also be a indicative of the need of solitudine, of closure, but even of seduction.
The effects: this color can favor a state of sadness and depression, to mitigate with contrasting details and very colored accessories (also useful to avoid the "dark" effect if not wanted).
Dark blue. The color of the deep blu sea and of the night, and in fashion, it is the color of uniforms. In general, who loves this color tends to be reserved, calm and introspective.
The effects: It moderates feelings that are too violent and favors a return to calm during difficult moments, nearing one to spirituality and elevated thinking.
The new Marc Jacobs
A collection box in elegant white that holds flowered notes of gardenia: this the novelty from Marc Jacobs.
Marc Jacobs Perfume Spring/Summer 2007 Kit is enclosed in a lavish packaging in a printed white glossy fabric container holds Perfume Eau de Parfum Spray 50 ml, the Body Lotion and the jewelry box in white leather. Perfume is dedicated to the woman who is positive and anti-conventional, lover of the details involving classic tastes, but that also exhalts her personality when she follows the fashion trends. The principal ingredient is the gardenia, captured in her maximum bloom and united with the sensuality of musk for a luxurious fragrance which results hypnotic, but discreet at the same time. The essence united with an initial acquatic unision, then bergamot which is followed with white pepper, Egyptian jasmine and honeysuckle
Elbows and knees at their top
Elbows and knees are by nature the areas of the skin that are most dry and rough. The causes? «In these zones the skin leans directly on the bone structure, without having the protection of the muscles», states the dermatologist Antonino Di Pietro. «Being so, it is more thin and less easy to keep them hydrated».
Under the shower or during a bath, cleanse the elbows and knees with a buffing soap: pass it directly on the skin for a few seconds, then rinse with warm water. Always apply a super-hydrating, emollient and soothing cream, to avoid grazing. Twice a week:
Perform a "dry" scrub: spread a cosmetic with rather large granules (those made with marine salt are just perfect) on the zones to treat and massage the skin vigourously with a luffa glove, which is more delicate than horsehair, but highly efficient. Pick a speciality with a base of ceramides, karite butter and vegetable oils.
"Lip Injection" Increase lip volume and plumpness
Perfumed Ice Cubes- 30$ -Sexy sexy sexy
Fashion find - 160 euro
Massimo Dutti
Neck and Decollete'
A delicate zone. The skin of the neck is rather thin and poor of sebaceousglands. That of the decolleté, the support of the bust, is ready to sag atthe first sign of weight loss. Use only delicate cleansers and do not forget to dot neck and décolleté with a tonic. In this manner, you can stimulate the microcirculation and oxidation of the tissues. Then, as per the face,apply, morning and evening, a hydrating and elastizing cream, with a base of ceramides, collagens and Vitamins C and E, antioxidating agents. When you extend the cream, carry out a massage with a V movement, from the bust to the neck. To always maintain the skin elastic and smooth: perform a scrubtwice a week to eliminate the dead skin cells and favor a better penetration of the principal ingredients: to avoid redness and skin irritations, pick a delicate formula, indicated especially for the face. Massage lightly with the fingertips the product in a circular sense and rinse with a sponge makeup remover that was previously bathed in thermal water, which results as fresh and soothing
The beauty and well-being of one's nails not only exclusively depends on the type of aesthetic treatment in which they undertake, but also a correct diet, that should result rich in silicon, sulphur, sulphured proteins, zinc and Vitamin H, that not only reinforce the nails, but also protect them from allergies and mycosis
Too Faced Fat Kiss lipgloss
When Kelly Ripa needs a quick beauty boost, she puts on Too Faced Fat Kiss lipgloss in Fat Jelly-it brightens your face and makes theeth look whiter.
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