In Italy there is a saying: "Marrone e nero: cafone vero" (n.d.r.: "brown and black: a true boor") and for a while I also ended up believing same. The same saying was also applied to the matching of blue and black (that, in Italian, always rhymes). With the passing of the years, however, I have noticed that there were certain matching of outfits that are at "risk" that are, however, not that bad. Overall, for the above citings. There are browns and browns and there are blues and blues. This is a confirmation borne from the fact that black looks good on anything (a rhyme should be created to state this God honest truth). Once and a while it is worth a try to go for chromatic experimentation, tending to match colors that once one never dreamed of matching before. Not at even at Halloween or Carneval.For example, red and purple: I like it, it is diabolic, I know. Even Bill Blass in a fashion show AI 07 of New York made his models show off unedited matches but it was surely of grand scenic effect. I think I can mix and match a bit, no?
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