I yell alarm to all the Italian fashion victims: fashion is creating more damage than what is apparently believed. And to suffer- hear ye, hear ye - is not only your wallet! To launch this appeal is the monthly magazine "Salute Naturale" (n.d.r. Natural Health), edited by Riza, that has already dealt with in the past and is still worringly, dealing with the health of us Italian ladies. Recently, the magazine has in fact, published a shocking reserach on how Italian women have developed bad and harmful habits with regard to fashion, putting one's health at risk. The study had as an objective to verify in what way daily dressing can truly influence the feminine well-being. The end results were revealed and based on the habits in theme of fashion of 986 women from 20 to 55 years of age. And the results obtained are absolutely not reassuring. There were eight women out of ten, that in fact, stated that they suffer or have suffered due to the causes of clothing that was uncomfortable, or accessories that were at the point of masochism. The record, among the items of torture, goes to the underwire bras that seem to have unleashed a series of irritations, allergies, escoriations and nusiances of every kind. Following are high-heeled shoes in which whose damage has generated generations of visits to orthopedics. The most elegant and beloved are the stiletto heels that, are in fact, responsible of problems, at times, very serious, and are linked to the spine, posture defects and the development of malformations of the feet, for example, the big toe valgos, today, very diffuse among the female population. Without taking into account the utlizing of the shoes with dizzying heels brings about circulatory complications that favor the arising of cellulite, a sworn enemy of every woman. And now, always remaining on the theme of uncomfortable shoes: swollen legs and ankles, vesciche, blisters, wounds, eczemas and articulatory pains.
Others ending up on the prosecution bench are the very uncomfortable thongs and intimate wear, which is, generally synthetic, and could put to risk our health causing annoying infections, inflammations and allergic reactions. But this is not the end: tight-fitting jeans are accused of rendering circulatory difficulties, as in the case of costrictive stockings; purses that are too heavy compromise the posture of the back and shoulders and costume jewellery can cause allergies. Also incriminated are the synthetic fabrics that are accused of hindering perspiration and favors excessive sweating and irritations. Nothwithstanding the fact that half of the interviewees declared that they controlled daily the labels of the clothing that they acquired. The research, in short, does not exclude anything that is considered the musts of modern fashion. Every piece of clothing seems to hide potential dangers. In spite of this, perhaps unknowingly, we are simply irresponsible, and women continue to undergo these devastating "beauty treatments". And not only for the evenings of a grand gala event where suffering is obligatory in the name of elegance, but even during sports activities, shopping, and trips...In other words, daily! And it is with this frequency, which is more and more often, that we put our well-being at risk and make researchers worry. Are there some solutions, however, for us poor fashion victims? Perhaps a warning label that accompagnies our purchases that explains the pros and the cons in terms of health problems could be of extreme use!
Others ending up on the prosecution bench are the very uncomfortable thongs and intimate wear, which is, generally synthetic, and could put to risk our health causing annoying infections, inflammations and allergic reactions. But this is not the end: tight-fitting jeans are accused of rendering circulatory difficulties, as in the case of costrictive stockings; purses that are too heavy compromise the posture of the back and shoulders and costume jewellery can cause allergies. Also incriminated are the synthetic fabrics that are accused of hindering perspiration and favors excessive sweating and irritations. Nothwithstanding the fact that half of the interviewees declared that they controlled daily the labels of the clothing that they acquired. The research, in short, does not exclude anything that is considered the musts of modern fashion. Every piece of clothing seems to hide potential dangers. In spite of this, perhaps unknowingly, we are simply irresponsible, and women continue to undergo these devastating "beauty treatments". And not only for the evenings of a grand gala event where suffering is obligatory in the name of elegance, but even during sports activities, shopping, and trips...In other words, daily! And it is with this frequency, which is more and more often, that we put our well-being at risk and make researchers worry. Are there some solutions, however, for us poor fashion victims? Perhaps a warning label that accompagnies our purchases that explains the pros and the cons in terms of health problems could be of extreme use!
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