It has mainly happened almost to everyone to wear, to proctect one's self from the frost of winter, the classic wind cheather or down coat, so yes, one can feel warmer, but a bit clumsy in one's movements. And let us not forget to mention the style and the sensuality of the so-called eiderdown duvet jackets that simply forget fashion and favor the look of the "Bibendum" Michelin. This winter, however, style and fashion seem to have contaminated even the most classic duvet jackets. Influenced perhaps by the comeback of the spencer and of the hussar short jacket style both are a must of the 2006 winter season, the designer label Moncler has launched a line of jackets and short coats, elegant and unusual which have contributed to forget once and for all the association of the duvet jacket Moncler-paninari ( "paninari" were in the 1980's young persons who only wore designer label clothes and were often seen at sandwich bars in groups). The classic duvet jacket signed Montcler, is changing its skin. Now it has become of an elegant design, made with superior fabrics and embedded precious fittings which characterizes not only the winter collection, but as well as the 2007 spring\summer collection.
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