According to style and tendency researchers, this will become a fashion trend, in fact, it is already stylish and is a phenomenon that has been constantly on the rise in the last several years, reinforced by films like "Maria Antonietta", of Sofia Coppola. It is the trend of grey hair, from twenty to fifty years of age: a look that is in synchrony with the principles of what today is considered vogue, and that is accepting one's self for who they are, an aspiration to well-being and to serenity. Moreover, grey hair is an elegant color, reassuring, soft, delicate, honest and relaxing. The most celebrated of the silver-haired ladies is Marie Sezner, the preferred model of Christian Lacroix. I, however, am extremely skeptical in regard to this. In fact, last week I found a couple of white hairs and the first thing that came to my mind was "Let me see when I get an urgent appointment with my hairdresser!". I will remain, on a constant look out, to see if this new fashion trend will really catch on or not
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