Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Kate Moss

Kate Moss is starting to lose her charm: from what is seen from the votes, it appears that the top model could remain an outsider from the top list of the 100 most sexy women in the world, according to the magazine FHM. Last year, the top model, was placed at a very mere 87th position, and now it seems she has lost her magic over the readers that were asked to vote: up to now, for Kate Moss, only a few positive approvals have pulled through, and from what it appears is that men do not find her that fascinating anymore. The executive editor of FHM, Chris Bell, revealed to the Sun: "In the world of fashion Kate is considered one of the most beautiful of women, but according to the readers of FHM she is actually a passing fashion".
From Gossipnews.it
Saturday, March 31, 2007
2008 will not be a grey winter

Merit is due to the vivacious colors and perhaps, even shocking colors, that catch the eye on the most classic colors of black. Among the prints one can find tartan will be the main protagonist. With regard to the cuts, the pre-domination will be of fluid and flowing volumes: here one can find soft silhouettes proposed by Vivienne Westwood and Givenchy. However, the accessories will be the real stars: among the musts of this season will be the Samurai purse by Dior, the Kelly sleeves of Hermès and the bag in form of a toaster by Yves Saint-Laurent.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Catwoman calls Muccino

Goodbye Catwoman and X-Men. For superheroines such as Halle Berry, she prefers Gabriele Muccino: "We met each other recently to discuss a project - says the Oscar-winning actress for Monster's Ball. But up to now, nothing decisive, but soon I hope to see a project in the works. I would really love to work with him".
The Best Body

LONDON, MARCH 29 - Liz Hurley was voted the celebrity with the best body in a survey carried out among five thousand women by the British magazine New Woman. The actress, however, has paid a high price for the honor of being picked as the "Bristish body idol". Recently, in fact, she has confessed that she eats only one complete meal a day, and has six raisins as a snack and she only pigs out on watercress soup
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Improve your health with chocolate

We have all heard the news that eating chocolate is good for you. But what does that really mean? Can we chow down on eclairs and whittle our waistlines? Sadly no. Choose dark chocolate. Cocoa has more antioxidants than green tea or red wine. nd the darker the chocolate, the more cocoa it has. Choose a bar with at least 70% organic cocoa. Eat less, more often. To see in fact any health advantages from chocolate, aim to eat it three or four times a week. Keep your waistline in check by sticking to half-ounce serving, about 80 calories! Enjoy it!
Monica Bellucci elected the most sexy lady of the world

The vote was casted amongst six categories and more than thirty candidates, who included Paris Hilton, Scarlett Johansson, Beyoncè, Shakira, Mathilde Seigner, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Sharon Stone, Sophia Loren, Madonna and Penelope Cruz. The absolutely most sexy woman, other than being a femme fatale par excellence in the category «les fatales» - that is women who are intelligent, precious, refined and sensual, also mentioned were Penelope Cruz and Sophie Marceau - and according to the survey the carried out by Yahoo Monica Bellucci won

This year grabbing the limelight, together with the plunging style 1960's dresses and shiny boots or Texas cowboy boots, the miniskirt will be short and of jean fabric, matched with stockings of different print and color designs, Scottish: all to be worn morning and evening. How short? The miniskirt cannot help but be... mini, it is mini by definition! Pratically impossible not have in one's wardrobe, and when one wears same one cannot help but feel feminine and at attractive at the same time. Irresistible also for the guys, who find it seductive and intriguing. Advice for its use and contraindications: do not overexceed in its use! The miniskirt is a classic to have in one's wardrobe, but, contemporarily, it is sexy and original. Wearing plunging tops and dressing with high heel shoes tend to excessively exaggerate one's figure, expecially if one is a teenager.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The Tribute Patchwork bag

He is celebrating fifteen years of a career with honors as the head guide of the brand Louis Vuitton. It is Marc Jacobs, that for the occasion thought about bringing together fifteen of his most famous creations, creating the Tribute Patchwork Bag. We can honestly say that it is not one of his best creations, but seeing its price tag, at a whopping U.S.D. $ 42,000.00 in any case, it is a Must Have for the elite!
Wallaroo hats

Cameron Diaz doesn't hit the beach without her trusty Wallaroo hat to protect her skin and hair! These wide brim hats shield your facefrom the sun. They are also crushable and washable so they can be toted along on any trip!
Yeah, right...VIPs!

That VIPs were not the top of the class in means of class and elegance, this we already knew. There were many who were without pity nabbed in coarse and rude moments, for example, picking one's nose, scratching their backsides or walking down the streets with sloppy and shabby dresswear, without a hint of makeup on. Some stars, such as Britney Spears, Naomi Campbell and Robbie Williams, that have done outings, have publicly declared their dependence on alcohol, drug and various pharmaceutical products, and have entered into clinics to disintoxicate themselves. Others simply were arrested while under the influence of alcohol or regularly caught while on drugs or stoned out of their minds. If these are the stars of showbiz, to mix up one's wardrobe by color or texture and to show one's self in public with the very unelegant sweat rings under one's armpits is truly the least that could happen to them...
From Libero.it
Mel C confesses

Robbie Williams, several years ago, declared that he had gone to bed with all the Spice Girls, excluding one. One thing is certain: towards the end of the 1990's, it was rumored that he was having a liasion with Mel C, known also as Sporty Spice. The two of them never wanted to speak about their relationship, but now, that a long distance of time has elapsed, the female singer has let the cat out of the bag: Mel C declared to have had a relationship wiht Robbie and was not capable to "tame the beast
Valentino stockings

Valentino and Wolford have signed an agreement for a new line of stockings and body stockings that will be available from July 2007 in several worldwide boutiques of Valentino and Wolford.
"The stockings are an important element in the look I create and I am very happy for the opportunity to offer to all women, thanks to the agreement with a business partner that is able to efficiently translate my ideas into forms and materials", has commented Valentino.
"The stockings are an important element in the look I create and I am very happy for the opportunity to offer to all women, thanks to the agreement with a business partner that is able to efficiently translate my ideas into forms and materials", has commented Valentino.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Brioche and the Colosseum: Rome seen from a bar's point of view

The rite of the cappuccino in the Capital is honored at any time of the dayand night. For this reason, The Eternal City, other than being filled withchurches and monuments, is also overflowing with bars. So many that, aRoman, by adoption, has invented a tour for the discovery of the beauties ofRome from the tables of the caffè. From the Gianicolo to the outskirts ofthe city, here is how to enjoy the panorama... from the other side of thecoffee cup. The rite of the cappuccino in Rome is sacred, twenty-four a day,sevend days a week. A small creamy break, to be taken either in a wide whiteporcelain cup or in a small transparent glass, to make peace with thefrenetic rhythmn of the city or to enter into the right gear to start thedaily marathon of work. There are those who rather sip a cappuccino than awordly aperitive. It is for this motive that the Eternal City, full ofchurches, is also chock-full of bars. There is one at every corner: some aresmall and friendly, others are large as a square, long and narrow, refinedor at the outskirts, every street boasts no less than three. The choice istruly vast. Overall, for those who want to expand their gaze from theircoffee cup to the profuse beauties of Rome, perhaps sitting comofortably ata bar that have a strategically panoramic view. One who really knows thisis, is a lady of Arezzo origins and Roman by adoption, that gives the giftof stopovers for a cappuccino has dedicated the guide "Rome and my cappuccinos". The small book is of 106 pages, small, but dense, it coversthe itineraries that begin from the terraces of Rome, the Gianicolo, to thencover and extend into the outskirts of town.
The diaries of Anna Nicole Smith - Sold!

The memoirs of Anne Nicole Smith, were auctioned off on internet for fivehundred thousand dollars. The winner of the auction is a German businessman.However, the memoirs are valued at least twice as much as the price sold. Itseems that the ex-playmate Anna Nicole Smith cannot rest in eternal peace.Two of her diaries were just sold off on internet: the buyer is a Germanbusinessman. This news was given by Thomas Riccio, a responsabile of Universal Rarities.
Beautiful under the sun, with the most trendy of sunglasses

For the spring\summer 2007 the most trendy sunglasses to be sought out will bring back the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita (n.d.r., "Sweet Life"), of the 1960's, and there will just be an embarassment of choices available in order to copy the look of the stunning Audrey Hepburn and the elegant Grace Kelly. The imperative of this year is the wraparound model, at times exaggerated, that besides the eyes covers the part of the face giving one a "fly effect". First of all, one has to choose a frame that conforms to the shape of the face and understand that eyeglasses are a fundamental accessory of our dresswear and have to be chosen in an accurate and precise manner. The look for this spring\summer 2007 is alla Audrey Hepburn in "Breakfast at Tiffany's", with the addition of a scarf around the neck or used alla bandana mode - that is, colored and with a designer name - and huge sunglasses that protect from the sun and from indiscreet looks, while giving off a mysterious air of "vamp".
The cuddle pillow

A pillow that cuddles and that hugs and warms you when your partner cannot. The idea comes from a British chain of hotels that puts at the disposal of its clients the "cuddillow" (from the fusion of the words: cuddle + pillow), dedicated to those that travel by themselves and have difficulty falling asleep
Kate Moss Top Shop Collection for Vogue

In the fashion magazine, models come and go, but when Vogue dedicates its front cover to a model like Kate Moss, it is not an ordinary choice like many others. In the April Vogue U.K. issue on the cover page Kate Moss is not seen in the role of a model, but of a designer. Yes, this is because this top model has picked the bible of fashion to unveil the preview of her first dress collection for the low-cost brandname Top Shop. From the the first two snapshots, one can immediately deduce that the collection on sale in the famous fashion chainstores, mirrors the style of Kate Moss, with a predomination of colors that are white and black and, that her dresses are characterized with vintage prints that are very much loved by the top model. The preview of the collection cannot help but increase the already long lines of shoppers that have attended for months and will finally have the opportunity to grab hold of the some dress items that are signed by the top.
From www.verycool.it
Vintage is fashion!

First of all, let us get the terminology right: vintage is a word that fashion has robbed from the world of the art of wine-making, who used same to indicate the valuable vintage wines. At the beginning of the 1990's the term was used to ennoble all that came out of attics, wardrobes and cellars and that re-proposed as objects having a retrò flavour: not only with regard to dresses, but also furnishings, gifts and fancy goods and music... Successively, little by little, as it found itself among the marketplaces of the most trendy European cities, where used goods were sold, these items have now become vintage and in consequence a "humour. A taste that influences, with epoch pieces or "in style" of the ambiences of up to par fashion locales, that leave a trace of one's self in the collections of the stylists and personalizes the home interior with lines and motive of the years 1950's, 1960's and 1970's.
If you want to know everythin about vintage check www.yoox.com/areas/vintageconnection/
The eternal enigma on fashionable hairstyles

The VIPs continue to change pigmentation and forms of their very costly hair, mixing up the ideas of young teenagers who are always ready to imitate them in way of look. The latest tendency which is most accredited among the top expert hairstylists, is that they opt for the color tones from light chestnut to intense chocolate. There are many, in fact, the stars and starlets that this winter have decided to change the color of their hair and to have extensions to better matched with their coats or shoes who have more rigid and darker tints, distorting, in some cases, images that have now become symbols of identification for the public, who is often reluctant to guarantee the excessive changes of look of their favorite celebrities. The scandalistic newspapers are invaded by photos of very blonde actresses that have decided without beating around the bush to enter into the Olympus of the burnettes. Among these, the most clamorous is certainly Cameron Diaz, who for depicting the image of the flighty, candid and wild blond has made it her warhorse, while the intriguing Scarlett Johansson, has become the muse of many directors, thanks to the her delicate assonance of the very blond stars of the 1950's.
Excuse my absence!
Excuse my absence, but a small health problem have prevented me for performing my "fashion duty"! Here I am back on my feet again and exploring the nations for the latest and hottest fashion news!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Scarlett: in the morning she is not a femme fatale!

The Hollywood stars are at times extremely strange: the newspapers waste rivers of ink to their praise beuaty and they, with a simple declaration, can easily dismount an image of a femme fatale that has been associated with their image. This is what happened to the seductive Scarlett Johansson, defined in the Playboy magazine as absolutely the most sexy celebrity. The beautiful interpreter of "Match Point" has said, during an interview with the magazine Parade, that she does not indeed feel feminine, and which is more serious, she described herself when she first gets up in the morning. "When I wake up in the morning and without make up on - declared the actress - I look like a boy. I am absolutely not feminine. Yes I do have full lips and I do not have a beard (that's all she needs!) but I do not feel very feminine at all
Thigh highs, what passion!

It was the year 1986 when Dim launched the thigh-high stockings. Also called the garter stockings, name, which was definitively elected the heir of the thigh-high stockings that have crazed the boys in the past years. Twenty years from their first apparition on the market, the thigh-high stockings still resist. Even if sales have drastically declined (the French brand names have been halved over the past 10 years).
Pomellato: Victoria is born
Pomellato presents its latest homage to female beauty: Victoria, a gold rose-colored jet chain. A gold chian that does not tie you down, with a small bustier hook that permits the woman that wears same to compose it according to the sensation of the moment. Its execution and polish is entirely by hand. Victoria is a homage that Pomellato renders to feminility.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
D&G Bag

One cannot certainly say that Dolce & Gabbana are designers that live their creativity in the pursuit of tradition and classicism. If only for this singular motive, one should not be surprised that with a handbag like this, in elegant tones of honey and caramel, is shown off with a certain degree of pride, with a huge splaying leather buckle in its center.
Extravagant luxury with details that take the front line, it is their unique combinations that has always characterized their collections. The handbag is in canvas, and is enriched with leather charms; its cost is of US.D. $ 690.00
Extravagant luxury with details that take the front line, it is their unique combinations that has always characterized their collections. The handbag is in canvas, and is enriched with leather charms; its cost is of US.D. $ 690.00
Wanted: New doll

The Pussycat Dolls have launched a reality show to find a new and sexy component for their musical band. The group of only girls has in fact accepted the proposal for a show to bring a new "doll" into their team. Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search for The Next Doll has gone on the air on the American television station channel CW, showing the first moves of the nine girls who have all the intention and will to join the band of the six actual Pussycats.
Photo from libero.it
Versace for Liz's most important day

Elizabeth Hurley, as I have anticpated to you earlier, has married the Indian millionaire Arun Nayar at the magnificient castle of Sudeley, in the Gloucestershire county, in England. Liz wore a splendid white dress crated for her by Versace. Her Indian marriage took place yesterday and here, Liz Hurley wore a rose sari created by Tarun Tahiliani ( we are talking about a price range with a estimate of U.S.D. $ 7,800.00), one of the most famous Indian fashion designers and the diamond necklace given to her as a gift from Arun Nayar.
Photo from libero.it
The Plastic bag

Do you think that the actual handbag which is all the rage in the world of show business wears a designer label and is very sought after luxury item? Wrong, very wrong. The handbag that is most adored by the VIPs is the most simple that one can think of: it is created by Anya Hindmarch, and it is a plain cloth handbag that costs less than eight Euros. Among the celebrities of Hollywood it has become a real and proper must-have and this ultimately proves that one does not need to spend a lot of money to be cool.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
The pleasure of getting up in the morning
Is the moment of awakening for you the most difficult moment of the day? Perhaps, it may be less traumatic, with the digial clock Night Light of Ming Hsu, created especially for a more relaxed awakening, and to feel more ready and comfortable in getting up, all using the innovative technology that renders it both an alarm colck and a night light. But how does it work? One can choose by using a control panel, the theme or situation that one prefers, by picking the music or perfumed essence that simulates an environment that we love, for example, the forest. The situation evoked permits one to relax before getting on our feet and ready to face the day. The modern design with squared lines, in fact renders this object fascinating and pretty to see.Are you ready to wake up!?
Being single is not that bad

Hollywood is sending us a strong and clear message: being single is better! Bridget Jones made us get used to the idea that singletudine one has to suffer one or all of the following: sad weekends pining away at home awaiting the telephone call that would never arrive, nights stuffing one's self with ice-cream and pizza in front of our favorite love movie, entire days of compulsive shopping with the hope (SPEAKING FOR MYSELF, IT IS THE GOD HONEST TRUTH!, ESPECIALLY IF I BUY A DRESS, I ADD ON A SPLENDID PAIR OF CHOO'S AND A PRADA HANDBAG!) that a dress could help us feel better. All of sudden, there is the arrival of the lasses of Sex and the City who have completely transformed the vision of the life of a single, adding glamour and fun, making us think that all in all, not being a couple is not all that bad. All you have to do is get dressed up, call a couple of girlfriends and one's good mood is assured. From here on we can take examples from the Stars, that leave on a very frequent basis their companions, and then appear more beautiful and in shape than ever before!
Underwear, retro-chic and nostalgic

The G-string remains closed in the dresser drawers, from which instead, pops up slips and "shorts" type underwear. Under the dress in the next seasons, we will be seeing women "retrò-chic", luxurious and of generous forms, like the 1950's pin-ups. There is an complete takeover of culottes in various versions, from boy-shorts, "shorts-style" underwear, elastizied low waist wear, but comfortable, be it in silk or lace, candid and malicious at the same time. Goodbye to white and black, and wide berth to water colors and new materials such as embrodiered silk and froissé, cachemire and doily lace. And the let us not forget the comeback of the slip! The one and only, those worn by our mothers and grandmothers, the undisputed arm of feminility and seduction.
Monday, March 5, 2007

The Americans do not know that the young (and even the not so very young), Europeans, and especially the Italians, adore Abercrombie and Fitch. For this reason there is a considerable ferment these days for the opening of this single designer label store A&F in London, and, more precisely, at Saville Row in London. The inauguration should be March 22 and finally, in this manner, I do not have to return everytime to Italy with a suitcase full of sweatshirts and shirts for my brother (who is in the category of the not so very young!)
Penelope at the Festival of Sanremo

The Spanish actress Penelope Cruz on the stage of the Ariston Theater at Sanremo has enchanted everyone, including Pippo Baudo. This is also due to the merit of the shot silk chiffon evening dress in the hues of "chocolate" with an inlay of a cream-colored velvet motif that withheld the marvelous dress chosen for the occasion. During the interview, the host Pippo Baudo delivered to Penelope a "tasty " chocolate Oscar that seemed absolutely to be appreciated and, in turn, naturally eaten by the movie star!
Photos from Libero.it
They broke the locks of love!

The locks of love removed! Almost all the locks that have been for quite some time were hung on the lampposts and trees of Ponte Milvio (in Rome) by young lovers, as a symbol of an inseparable union, were cut off and removed by vandals during the nights of last Thursday and Friday! This was surely the works of a very unromantic burglar!

This autumn\winter season, short is in and of tendency. Mini dresses, tight-fitting short jackets, waist-length duvet jackets and coats and mini-coats. Half-lengths, sober or super-decorative, with a belt that highlights the waistline, the mini coat braves the rigid temperatures and is quite glamour!
Salma, a bosom with top grades and honors!
Friday, March 2, 2007
Ferretti for Hunziker

Last night Michelle Hunziker displayed the usual brilliant and designer label dresses! In fact, last night, it was the turn of stylist Alberta Ferretti. I almost forgot to mention that the cost of the golden dress made by Valentino worn by Hunziker during the opening night was of ''...290 thousand Euros (approximately 350 thousand dollars!) Decisively a an entrance made in grand style!
Visits to Paris

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