Hollywood is sending us a strong and clear message: being single is better! Bridget Jones made us get used to the idea that singletudine one has to suffer one or all of the following: sad weekends pining away at home awaiting the telephone call that would never arrive, nights stuffing one's self with ice-cream and pizza in front of our favorite love movie, entire days of compulsive shopping with the hope (SPEAKING FOR MYSELF, IT IS THE GOD HONEST TRUTH!, ESPECIALLY IF I BUY A DRESS, I ADD ON A SPLENDID PAIR OF CHOO'S AND A PRADA HANDBAG!) that a dress could help us feel better. All of sudden, there is the arrival of the lasses of Sex and the City who have completely transformed the vision of the life of a single, adding glamour and fun, making us think that all in all, not being a couple is not all that bad. All you have to do is get dressed up, call a couple of girlfriends and one's good mood is assured. From here on we can take examples from the Stars, that leave on a very frequent basis their companions, and then appear more beautiful and in shape than ever before!
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