This year grabbing the limelight, together with the plunging style 1960's dresses and shiny boots or Texas cowboy boots, the miniskirt will be short and of jean fabric, matched with stockings of different print and color designs, Scottish: all to be worn morning and evening. How short? The miniskirt cannot help but be... mini, it is mini by definition! Pratically impossible not have in one's wardrobe, and when one wears same one cannot help but feel feminine and at attractive at the same time. Irresistible also for the guys, who find it seductive and intriguing. Advice for its use and contraindications: do not overexceed in its use! The miniskirt is a classic to have in one's wardrobe, but, contemporarily, it is sexy and original. Wearing plunging tops and dressing with high heel shoes tend to excessively exaggerate one's figure, expecially if one is a teenager.
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